Two Numbers, One Phone – The MultiLine Way

Graphic showing woman who can connect to clients from messaging, social messaging, calls, and more

There are a lot of companies that claim to provide two numbers on one phone. Our solution is different.

Why two numbers, one phone anyway?

Two numbers, one phone is another way of referring to something called Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). BYOD is a way of saving tons of money and improving productivity by giving employees access to work files and information from their personal phones. In order to manage security and access control across all company apps, MultiLine can be deployed with an enterprise mobility solution.

MultiLine is a way to give employees access to a work number from their personal phones. Movius understood many of the concerns that employees and employers would have in enabling personal phones for work, and developed a service that respects employee privacy while enabling enterprise features in a way that no other app can do. The number can be used for voice calling, texting, and social messaging on both mobile and desktop apps.

Illustration Bar Graph showing MultiLine as cheapest option

Connectivity anywhere

The vast majority of second number solutions will offer you a VOIP-only number. This means you require an Internet connection for calls – MultiLine does not. When you want connectivity anywhere, the choice is clear, go with the only patented solution to offer a carrier-grade number that runs over the top of any carrier.

graphic depicting phone using Call over Data setting

Mind the gaps

Many businesses require call or message recording solutions. But some of these recording solutions fail when the phone is turned off or in certain network conditions. Our patented technology ensures that there is never a dropped recording. This same technology also has the added benefit of not draining the user’s battery! That’s because our solution does not require a background agent that does continuous monitoring.

graphic depicting recording in progress

True work and personal separation

There’s a reason we provide our second number with an app instead of through the native dialer. When you add a number to the native dialer, now your users will have call and message records mixing with their personal. Their work contacts will mix with their personal contacts. They’ll have to choose whether they are call contacts using with their work number or personal number – and this is just a mistake ready to happen! With MultiLine, users confidently make calls using their work number, and can easily track all their calls and work messages in one interface.

graphic depicting two numbers one phone

Zero-touch IT

MultiLine deploys completely over the cloud. It does not require users to unlock their phones, or to bring them in for IT to configure. Administrators simply send their users an invitation to activate their accounts. This invitation can work regardless of the user’s access to Internet or cellular minutes!

graphic depicting a secure portal provisioning accounts

Security and Confidence

All calls and messages on the MultiLine platform are end-to-end encrypted. MultiLine upholds the highest standards of data protection and is compliant with GDPR and many other industry regulations. 

logos scrolling including SOC, HIPPA, FINRA, FCA, GDPR, ESMA, and other certifications

Administrative transparency

Transparency and control are at your fingertips with our advanced Admin Portal. Enjoy robust access control features that allow you to monitor and track all administrator actions, giving you complete peace of mind. No more asking for the vendor to send you a report of your admin activity!

graphic depicting admins collaborating

Powerful data reconciliation features

Legal exposure? Not on our watch! MultiLine guarantees an auditable trail of communications, significantly reducing your legal risk. Our powerful reconciliation for calls and messages sets a new standard in the market, offering you unmatched security and reliability. MultiLine can easily integrate into any archival system you use and prove that data is secure and untampered at all stages of its journey.

illustration of admin portal

24/7 Support

Our experts will ensure you are fully equipped to make the most of the MultiLine solution.

  • Dedicated Implementation Manager: we provide you with someone to guide you through the entire process. This person will be available to assist with general or specific questions, and quickly resolve any minor hiccups that may occur in the onboarding process.
  • Training and Onboarding: we offer in-person and virtual training and onboarding sessions tailored to your specific needs.
  • Tech Bars: knowledgeable staff are available on-site or virtually to address any technical questions or issues that may arise. Let us know if you need any assistance locating the nearest tech bar to you, or if a virtual tech bar can be arranged.
  • Self-help guides: Users and admins can learn at their own pace and find answers to common questions and troubleshooting steps at our Help Center.
  • 24/7 Support: reach out to our support team at any time of day to get assistance.

people in an office giving each other a high five

Two Numbers, One Phone – The MultiLine Way!

We’d love to discuss more! Contact us today, or schedule a demo.